


Yes. The last month and a half has been crazy indeed. Art, exhibition prepping, gallery opening, interviews, birthday, work, comic artist get together, parties, secrets and plenty of other events.
Finally things are slowing down a little. Or wait. Whom am I kidding? Now preparations for the annual Christmas markets begin. I have so far signed up for two. Thinking about what to craft at the moment..
I already have some things left from the last fair, so I'm not in the hole yet. But what else? More christmas-y things?

  • Ornaments?
  • Cards?
  • Prints?
  • Plushies?
  • Jewelry?
  • Buntings?
  • Zakka?
Do you have any suggestions? A source of inspiration you'd like to share?
Please leave a comment! 




October Craft Fest!

Throughout the month of October, Green Melon Creations and I are feeling festive.
To celebrate the wonderful season of fall, we are offering reduced prices on the Petite Patisserie series. 

Take a look:
Let the October Craft Fest begin!

Who doesn't want to stay inside with a hot cup of tea, keeping your hands busy with a cute crafting project like this?



Line work and more thoughts

I think I've dug myself up a little since the last post. The hole seems pretty deep still though..
I now have a new idea, sprung from my old concept. The core is the same, but a new way of doing it. I'm going to create a series of bigger self portraits in graphite mixed with ink blots (like my banner). They're going to be naked. More honest. Starting this weekend.

I found this laying around on my hard drive. Totally forgot about my robot city. One day I'll color it digitally. Might be fun. :)


Some thoughts

My friend and I have an art exhibition in one month, and I quite frankly, feel frantic. I think I have a strong concept, but nasty thoughts and doubts are continuously getting a hard grip on me. I try to dismiss them, and just continue on with my work. But it's hard. Really hard.

At least my friend and I have recorded two films. And her paintings look fab.

I'm at that critical stage in the process and I need to get my shit together. Fast.


Å-draget 2012

On September 1st, I was setting up shop together with Edge at Å-natta. A reoccurring cultural event celebrating the arrival of fall. It's evolving around the river Gavleån, which gets lit up by massive amounts of huge candles. It was really pretty and the weather was nice!

I was selling some of my own creations, together with products by Green Melon Creations.
Here are some pictures of my table and its contents.

And now for a little DIY-tip!

See the price tags? They're really easy to make!
All you need is:

  • Washi tape
  • Thread 
  • Marker 
  • Scissors 

Cut pieces of thread, about 10 cm long. Knot the ends together to create loops.
Cut pieces of washi tape, 3 cm long. Fold the tape over the middle of the tread loops.
Trim tape if necessary.
Write your price on the tape and wrap the tag around something pretty you made.

I will make a tutorial on the pincushion teacups next.
Have a great weekend!


A Green Melon Creation

Hej hopp!
I know, I know. I've been away for quite some time now. A lot has been going on trying to get our company, Green Melon Creations, on its feet. Alas, both our website and store are now up and running. Shipping worldwide too!
Green Melon Creations website and Boutique.



Oh yeah..

I forgot.
I have created a Twitter account.
Follow me @EmelieSandstrom.



I've been spending most of my time working towards and worrying about my final exhibition that starts on May 16. It's at Konstcentrum here in Gävle. I'm working with animation. Sort of. 

These two are keeping me company above my work desk at the art school. Made them last year.


Howling owling

I have somehow found my way back to drawing. And I actually think it's fun again. I've been struggling for a long time to find enjoyment in something that has been so constantly scrutinized, put to the test - graded.
I guess studying art carries a risk.

These are rough scans. No editing.
Made with ink and graphite on paper.



This is something I'm doodling on right now. Graphite on paper. Simple.
(I apologize for crappy iPhone photo.)

Japanese DIY

I bought this Japanese paper drawer DIY kit when I was in Honolulu last year. I rarely buy kits, but this one was too cute to leave behind in the store. Plus I love anything washi! <3

Although I don't speak the language, Japanese craft instructions are usually quite easy to understand. They make awesome illustrations showing you exactly what to do. The rest is just based on logic and common (crafting) sense. ^________^


Long time no see.

Yup! It sure has been a while since I updated last. Stuff happens I guess. Heh.. :/
I have been busy crafting and creating art as well as helping Alexander with the company. I have not been good at documentation nor uploading things I've done. I guess that's my semi new years resolution. Getting better at that. I usually don't make resolutions so.. Let's see how it goes!

Here's some of my lace stash. I have to admit that I'm pretty bad at using the stuff. I just hoard it, especially if it's vintage or hand made.
I crocheted the doily in the summer of 2010. It sure took a long time and made me realize how much work actually goes into one. Something to contemplate next time you find one at the thrift store for less than a dollar.